Odycloud services

Our mission is to help organizations and teams to optimize their prediction capabilities & data analysis by combining proprietary with open-source HPC apps. To accomplish this objective, we leverage public cloud resources to provide the following services:

  • Meteorological forecasts with state-of-the-art software
  • Bespoke air quality computations including local phenomena such as wildfires and fireworks
  • Air quality data (compilation for specific region, analysis and/or evaluation of potential scenarios)  
  • Amazon Machine Images (AMI) with  optimized HPC apps to be used on AWS EC2 instances and clusters
  • Development of GUIs for HPC/AI applications 
  • Evaluation of IaaS for your organization needs and migration of proprietary/non-proprietary software to the public cloud

If you have any questions about the public cloud or wish to discuss any of your HPC needs, please do not hesitate contacting us at .